Lesson 2 - Mount Choke w/ Palms Down
Choke With Both Palms Down
You are comfortable on mount position. You are in balance. So it’s time to attack! Reach on diagonal the opponent’s collar and with your palm down make a grip.

With your other hand, going to over your forearm, and reach (with palm down) the other side of the opponent’s collar.

You don’t need squeeze the opponent’s collar, keep your grips and use your hands’ power just enough to avoid that they slide when you will start press the choke.

Set your forehead on the ground on the same side of your top forearm. At this moment you need keep your self on top using only your forehead and knees because your hands are busy. Imagine a triangle base using your knees and forehead. Let some space in-between your belly and his face. Use your abs power and pull the opponent’s head from the ground to your belly. Try increase the distance in-between your elbows, but don’t use 100% of your power. Use only 40% and keep it, if it wasn’t enough to submit him increase 20% more and keep it. Different than joints locks, all chokes you need keep the pressure until the opponent tap. Some times few seconds will be enough, some times minutes.

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